Last day @ work – 10 days left…
I just woke up, totally excited 😀 Today is the last day at my work before I take half a years leave. The plan is to go to South America and explore. Explore the culture, the people, the nature, and myself 🙂 Next to me, right now, is a pile of stuff that I’m planning to bring. This will be my life the next half year. Scary and exciting at the same time. Looking very much forward to the adventure – but wtf am I doing? I have done shorter motorcycle trips before, but this is a whole new level. Never really driven dirt roads before. I am far from proficient in Spanish. This is going to be fun 😀
Anyway… this is more or less a stub. It has been on my todo-list for a while to create a blog – I just could not
decide on the name. Until now. So this is just to have some text; to say I’m alive. Please return later for further
updates 🙂
Ps.: The rough plan so far is:
- Arrive in Santiago, Chile March 8th.
- I have a place to stay. Thanks CouchSurfing:CouchSurfing.org. (And of course my host 🙂 )
- Find a good motorcycle (BMW F800GS would be awesome – it probably ends with something smaller) and buy it.
- Go go go… explore 🙂
- Go south towards Patagonia. It will be their fall, so it will turn cold and wet.
- When it gets too cold and wet, make a u-turn. Go north.
- No real plans here, except Inca ruins in Peru.
- When August comes, turn around back to Santiago, sell the bike, and return to Dk.
and the tale of a tall Dane begins…NOW!:) BON VOYAGE!